Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ohhh Kimye...matchy matchy!

Kim Kardashian has been one of my favorite fashion icons, celebrities, and businesswomen since she first started on season one of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. I know that she has a lot of haters, but that will never change my mind about her. Now, everyone knows she is dating rapper Kanye West, but has anyone else realized how they are so matchy matchy? LOL. Well I have, and here is a nice round up of their matching styles!
In black

Dark Colors (Kanye in black; Kim in Navy Blue)

Black...take two

Black bottom, white top

All White

Kim and Kanye are not the first to be a matching is a reminder at who started the trend.
This may be the most famous of the matching couples...Justin and Britney

Mariah and Nick

They aren't a couple anymore, but they liked to match when they were together; Katy and Russell

David and Victoria Beckham then and now

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