Friday, July 27, 2012

Helpful Hints: Packing!

I promised a blog about packing and I don't want to disappoint, so here it is!
     1. Make a full list, including clothing, accessories, and shoes that will be worn each day, special  dinner outfits, and cosmetics
     2. Check everything off as you pull it out of your closet, drawer, etc
     3. Pack silks on the bottom, so they wont move around as much (everything will weigh it down)
     4. Make sure you pack face powder, face lotion, and eyeliner (to apply before debarking, you will thank me later!)
     5. Double, triple, and quadruple check; you don't want to leave anything important behind!

Anyone have other good tips for packing? Anyone going anywhere fun this summer??

Auf Wiedersehen from Germany! (I'm in a layover waiting for my connecting flight to Venezia!)

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